1. Trust in authorities (Delprato et al. 2022)
To what extent does the person trust both the local and the national authorities? Do they think their way of operating is efficient and transparent?
2. People with disabilities (McGlade et al., 2019)
How many people with disabilities exist within the community?
3. Food Waste (proposed by Portugal CSA)
The indicator is defined as the amount of food waste generated per year divided by the average population of the country.
4. % of children in population <18 years old (Links et al., 2018)
How many underage people are there within the community population?
5. % of elderly people (Links et al, 2018)
How many elderly people are there in the community population?
6. Community Participation in Decision Making (COSA, Committee on Sustainability Assessment)
To what extent do the local citizens participate in the decision making regarding their communities? Is there a transparent and accessible voting process?
7. Place Attachment (Delprato et al., 2022)
To what extent are the citizens emotionally connected to their place of residence? Do they feel a sense of belonging in their local area?
8. Average Life Expectancy (Garschagen et al. 2016)
How many years do people live on average in the community?
9. Hospital Beds Capacity (Delprato et al., 2022)
How many available hospital beds are there for the community citizens?
10. Medical Professional Capacity (Edgemon et al., 2020)
How many medical practitioners are available to the community?
11. Health Insurance (Edgemon et al., 2020)
Do people have health insurance either public or private?
12. Shortage of communication networks (Cardoso et al., 2020)
Would a significant loss of service be expected for a significant proportion of the city in the ‘worst case’ scenario event?
13. Internet Access (Delprato et al., 2022)
How many citizens have mobile connection access and/or can access internet services through their phone?
14. Educational Attainment (Edgemon et al., 2020)
How many citizens hold a high-school diploma?
15. Public School Capacity (Edgemon et al, 2020)
Does the community have an adequate number of schools to accommodate its pupils?
16. Event Management Plans (Cardoso et al., 2020)
Is there a disaster management/ preparedness/ emergency response plan outlining city mitigation, preparedness and response to local emergencies?
17. Emergency Preparedness Training (Delprato et al., 2022)
Are both the locals and the authorities properly trained in order to take action in the face of various hazards? Is the training up to date and repeated in adequate time frames?
18. Emergency meeting stations (Delprato et al., 2022)
Are there enough and adequate predetermined emergency meeting stations where the local citizens are expected to meet in case of an emergency?
19. Food, shelter, staple goods and fuel supply (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), 2017)
Would the city be able to continue to feed and shelter its population post-event?
20. Emergency experience (Delprato et al., 2022)
Level of knowledge based on previous experience of community members with local hazards, emergency preparedness and mitigation strategies (emergency plans) and disaster response.
21. Early Warning Systems (EWS) and Reach of Warning (Delprato et al., 2022)
What is the prevalence of EWS in the community? How many people are within the EWS reach and are they familiar with their use?
22. Hazard Assessment (Delprato et al., 2022)
Existence of hazard assessment(s) (knowledge of key hazards that the city community faces, including likelihood of occurrence)
23. Post event recovery planning—( decided pre event) (Cardoso et al, 2020)
Is there a strategy or process in place for post-event recovery and reconstruction, including economic reboot, societal aspects etc.?
24. Plan for resilience (Cardoso et al, 2020)
Does the city community have a municipally approved resilience plan (strategy or action plan)? And what is its timeframe?
25. Emergency services (Delprato et al., 2022)
What are the available emergency services of the community?
26. Financial plan and budget for resilience, including contingency funds (Cardoso et al, 2020)
The budget, resources and funds that are reserved for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Does the city have in place a specific "ring fenced" protected budget, the necessary resources and contingency funds arrangements for local disaster risk reduction (DRR) (mitigation, prevention, response and recovery)?
27. Corruption of Authorities (Proposed by Portugal CSA)
Are the outputs and outcomes of the emergency governance transparent? Do the local institutions follow the rules of best practice?
28. Lessons learnt /learning loops (Delprato et al., 2022 & Cardoso et al, 2020)
Do post-event assessment processes incorporate failure analyses and the ability to capture lessons learned that then feed into the design and delivery of rebuilding projects?
29. Efficiency and Effectiveness (Delprato et al., 2022)
Evaluation of the community's level of effectiveness and efficiency, measured through the implementation of practices aimed at monitoring performance and interchange of best practices.
30. Median Household Income (Links et al, 2018)
What is the average median household income in the community?
31. Disaster Risk Financing (Delprato et al., 2022)
Accessibility and strength of household and non-domestic insurance in the community for damage and losses suffered as a result of natural disasters
32. Income Inequality (Pfeiffer, 2019)
Income inequality shows how unevenly income is distributed throughout a population. The less equal the distribution, the higher income inequality is.
33. Unemployment Rate (McGlade et al., 2019 & Pfeiffer, 2019)
How many people are unemployed at the moment?
34. Building codes and standards (Delprato et al., 2022 & Cardoso et al., 2020)
Do building codes or standards exist, and do they address specific known hazards and risks for the city? Are these standards regularly updated?
35. Existing protective infrastructure (Delprato et al., 2022 & Cardoso et al., 2020)
Is existing protective infrastructure designed and built according to risk information? Does it reduce potential damage to people and goods from natural and man-made hazards?
36. Water Access (Delprato et al., 2022)
This indicator shows how well the water infrastructure system covers the population living in a given community, irrespective of community and energy grid specificities. The indicator includes access to public potable water (incl. purified water), private potable water and sewage.
37. Natura 2000 protected areas (Resilience Dashboards for the Social and Economic, Green, Digital, and Geopolitical Dimensions, 2021)
Natura 2000 is a network of protected areas covering Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats.
38. Exposure to heat (Delprato et al., 2022)
The degree to which the population and natural environment are exposed to the negative effects of heat wave events and heat-related health impacts.
39. Exposure to landslides and avalanches (Delprato et al., 2022)
Landslides and avalanches are external geologic processes called “mass wasting.”
40. Exposure to flooding and area of operational floodplain (Delprato et al., 2022)
The area of the operational floodplain is a good indicator for several resilience characteristics. It is an indicator of ecosystem structure and function. A growth in this indicator should be interpreted as a rise in resilience.
41. Exposure to forest fire (Delprato et al., 2022)
The degree to which the natural environment is exposed to the negative effects of forest fires or wildfire events.